Royal Archaeological Institute – Tony Clark Memorial Fund

The NSGG are one of the main supporters of Tony Clark Memorial Fund. For over two decades the NSGG have donated part of the profits from the biennial Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics meeting.

The fund is managed by the Royal Archaeological Institute. Grants of up to £500.00 are awarded annually to support the contribution of scientific techniques within local research or community engagement projects.


Application deadline – 9th December 2019

Successful applicants will be informed in early February 2020


Applications will be considered for archaeological fieldwork, geophysical survey, aspects of excavation and postexcavation research, architectural recording and analysis and artefact and art-historical research.

Grant Criteria

When judging applications for grants, the RAI Research Committee will consider the following criteria:

  • the eligibility of the application and its relevance to the RAI’s interests
  • the intrinsic interest and value of the research
  • relationship of the work to Regional and other appropriate Research Frameworks
  • the general interest of the project
  • the clarity of the application
  • the rigour of the methodology and the extent to which it seems likely to meet the project aims
  • the likelihood of completion and publication
  • the extent of part-time/voluntary/amateur participation and/or public access to the project and project information
  • the nature and appropriateness of outreach proposals
  • the existence of a realistic indicative programme through to publication
  • the support of appropriate referees
  • the potential for the project to deliver appropriate results if other grant applications fail

For further information about the application process download the application guide using this link.